President Welcome |
On behalf of the Boards of BeLuThai, I would like to welcome you and thank you for visiting our website. We cordially invite you to explore and learn more about what we have to offer, to help connect and promote your business in our community.
At BeLuThai, we do provide business information and a job opportunity. If you would like to keep up on what is happening in our community, please subscribe to our newsletter here. We aim to provide services and keep satisfaction to our members. We are always open to any suggestions for further improvement of our services and benefits to our members, please feel free to reach out to us at info@beluthai.org
We welcome all representatives from Belgium, Luxembourg and Thai companies to become a member of BeLuThai.
Warm regards,
Ms. Siriporn Wuthilaohaphan
The Chamber
The Belgian-Luxembourg/Thai Chamber of Commerce (BeLuThai) is a small but very dynamic chamber comprising of some 100 corporate and individual members.
The Chamber was established in November 1992 and succeeded to the Thai-Belgium Business Association which had been operational since September 1990. Economic relations between Belgium/Luxembourg and Thailand have existed for centuries. During the last decades, the number of business contacts between these countries has grown considerably.
The aim of BeLuThai is to further support market access to and investments in Thailand for Belgian and Luxembourg companies. We provide information and services to our members concerning commerce, industry, finance and investment, and we organize network events and activities relevant to Belgian, Luxembourg and Thai businesses. BeLuThai also serves as a channel to voice views and interests of Belgian and Luxembourg businesses towards the government of Thailand, as well as to other business organizations in Thailand.
Article 1
This Chamber of Commerce is named "The Belgian-Luxembourg/Thai Chamber of
Commerce", herein referred to as "The Chamber".
The Chamber has its registered
office located a
t Room 1229, 4,4/5 Level
12, Central Tower, Rajdamri Road
, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Thailand.
Seal of the Chamber
is shown as follows:
Article 2
The objectives of the Chamber shall be as follows:
2.1 To promote and
develop economic relations between Belgium-Luxembourg and Thailand.
2.2 To promote
cooperation and business relationships between Belgian-Luxembourg and Thai
business people.
2.3 To cooperate with
and influence country’s authorities to develop trade, industry, investment and
economic activities.
2.4 To provide
advice, ideas and suggestions for Belgian-Luxembourg business interests in Thailand
in the fields of trade, including industry, investment and in other related
2.5 To perform activities and provide services to
efficiently carry out the duties of the Chamber.
2.6 To compile news,
information and statistics on trade in general, on industrial affairs, and on
legal and financial matters worthy of interests, for distribution to members.
2.7 To assist and
promote charity and the public welfare.
Article 3
The majority of members shall be natural persons having Belgian, Luxembourg or Thai nationality, or Belgian, Luxembourg or Thai nationality who are partners or shareholders holding a substantial part of the capital, including branches of juristic persons registered aboard. These natural persons or juristic persons shall be engaged in enterprises in the fields of trade, industry, agriculture, finance, economic or other activities related to Belgium, Luxembourg or Thailand. The Chamber shall be open to All Nationalities, people and companies showing Friendship or Business Connections with Belgium or Luxembourg or Belgian and Luxembourg Nationals running or working for non-Belgian companies in Thailand. Companies based in Belgium should be able to join.
Article 4
Membership shall be divided into three categories:
Ordinary members.
4.2. Associate members.
4.3. Honorary members.
Article 5
“Ordinary members” shall be natural persons or juristic persons who have links
with Belgium
or Thailand.
Each ordinary member is entitled to one vote.
Article 6
“Associate members” shall be natural persons or juristic persons who are
qualified for ordinary membership, but do not wish to be categorized as an
ordinary member or are not resident in Bangkok.
Associate members
shall have all the rights of the ordinary members, except the right to vote or
serve as a director on the Board of Directors.
Article 7
“Honorary members” shall be persons who have brought or will bring honor to the
Chamber, or who are engaged in activities that enable them to be of assistance
to the Chamber, and who are approved by simple majority vote of the Board of
Honorary members
shall have the rights of ordinary members, except the right to vote or serve as
a director on the Board of Directors.
Article 8
Apart from the qualifications for membership in the Chamber under Articles 5,
6, and 7, applicants for membership must meet the following conditions:
8.1 In the case of
natural person:
8.1.1 They must be sui juris.
8.1.2 They must not be bankrupt, incompetent or quasi-incompetent.
8.1.3 They must not have been sentenced to jail by judgment of a court of law,
except when the offense was a petty offense of negligence.
8.1.4 They must be of reasonable financial means.
8.2 In the case of
juristic persons:
They must not be bankrupt.
8.2.2 They must have reliable financial resources.
A juristic person may
appoint one natural person and one alternate who may act on behalf of the
juristic person in affairs regarding the Chamber. The natural person and
alternate representing the juristic person shall have the same rights with regard
to the Chamber as the juristic person.
A natural person who is acting as a representative for a juristic person may
not be appointed as a representative for another juristic person.
Article 9
The Belgian and Luxembourg Ambassadors accredited to the Kingdom of Thailand
shall be the Patrons and Advisors of the Chamber.
Article 10
Application for membership shall be as follows:
10.1 Application forms
shall be submitted in writing to the Chamber office, stating the following
10.1.1 Name and address, telephone, e-mail address, and mobile number of the applicant.
10.1.2 Category of membership for which application is made.
10.1.3 The type of enterprise in which the applicant is engaged.
10.2 Upon receipt of
an application, it shall be submitted to the Board of Directors or the
Executive Director who will pass to the Board of Directors. An application may
be approved only by a motion of the Board of Directors passed by a simple
majority of votes of the Board.
10.3 When the Board
of Directors has accepted an application for membership, the applicant shall be
notified promptly.
Article 11
Rights and Duties
11.1 Within the scope
of the objectives of the Chamber, and of the Chamber of Commerce Act of B.E.
2509 (A.D.1966), members shall have the right to receive assistance and
benefits in connection with trade and economic affairs.
11.2 Members must
comply with the By-Laws laid down by the Chamber.
Article 12
Membership Subscription
12.1 Membership subscription
shall be proposed by the Board of Directors and approved at the General
12.2 Ordinary members
and Associate members shall pay membership subscription within 30 days of
Invoice Date.
Article 13
Members who wish to resign from membership must notify the Chamber’s office in
writing at least one month prior to the date when the next payment of
subscription becomes due.
Article 14
The Chamber may expel a member who has conducted himself/herself in an
unbecoming manner, or when it is felt that allowing him/her to remain as a member
would bring discredit to the Chamber. Such expulsion must be approved by a
two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors. Written proxy votes shall be
permitted provided they are submitted to the President or the Honorary Secretary
before the meeting is called to order. A written notice will be provided to the
member in question by the Board of Directors.
Article 15
Termination of membership; membership may be terminated by the Board of
Directors in any of the following cases:
15.1 Death, in the
case of a member who is a natural person.
15.2 Resignation.
15.3 Upon being
declared bankrupt by a court of law.
15.4 Bankruptcy,
liquidation, or termination of business.
Expulsion from membership under Article No. 14.
Upon being declared by a court of law to be legally incompetent or
quasi-incompetent in the case of a natural person.
Arrears of subscription for a period of longer than three months after receipt
of written reminder(s) from the Chamber.
Article 16
General Meetings shall be held as follows:
An Annual General Meeting shall be held not later than the 30th of April each
year, to consider the annual report of the affairs and activities of the Chamber;
to consider and approve the balance sheet; to elect a Board of Directors; to
appoint an Auditor, and to conduct any other matter.
All members shall be notified of the Annual General Meeting by post, e-mail, or
messenger delivery, not less than 14 days prior to the date of the meeting. The
notice shall include the date, time, venue, and agenda of the meeting.
16.3 An Extraordinary
General Meeting may be called at any time by the Board of Directors or by the
written request of 20% of the Ordinary members of the Chamber. Notice of the
meeting shall be sent to all the members at least 14 days prior to the date of
the meeting. This notice also states the purpose, date, time, and venue of the
16.4 At any General Meeting,
25% of the ordinary membership must be present to constitute the quorum. Only
written proxies held by members attending meetings in the place of other
members shall be counted in determining the quorum. Each Ordinary member can represent
up to two proxies. If after a period of 30 minutes there is not a quorum
present, then the meeting shall be postponed for 7 days thereafter and shall be
held at the same time and place. Further notification to the Member shall be
required. A quorum shall be deemed to exist at the subsequent meeting irrespective
of the number of members present.
16.5 Motions at a
General Meeting shall be carried by a simple majority vote of the ordinary members
present or represented unless otherwise prescribed in these By-Laws.
Article 17
The Board of Directors functions shall be as follows:
17.1 The Board of
Directors will manage the affairs of the Chamber and will be elected from among
the Ordinary Members at a General Meeting.
The Board of Directors shall consist of not less than 7 and not more than 12 elected
Ordinary members and shall be in office for terms of two years.
17.2 The Board of Directors shall elect from its members
the following officers:
(1) President
(2) Up to 2 Vice Presidents.
(3) Honorary Secretary.
(4) Honorary Treasurer.
The above officers shall be appointed by the newly elected Board of Directors
at its first meeting.
Board Member shall agree to accept to actively promote the Chamber, introduce
new Members and Chair and develop a Working Group.
17.3 The appointed
representatives of the Belgian Embassy, the Walloon Region of Belgium (AWEX),
the Flanders region of Belgium (FIT), the Brussels Region (Brussels Export)
shall serve as advisors to the Board.
17.4 The President
must be a person of Belgian, Luxembourg, or Thai nationality. In case the President
is a person of Thai nationality, the Vice President(s) must be a person of
Belgian-Luxembourg. In case the President is a person of Belgian-Luxembourg
nationality, the Vice President must be a person of Thai nationality.
17.5 The President
shall serve as the Chairman of all meetings of the Chamber. The President shall
be empowered to sign together with another member of the Board of Directors on
all documents in connection with the business of the Chamber. In the absence of
the President, the Vice President shall act on his/her behalf and shall have the
same powers as the President.
In absence of both
the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman, the Board of Directors will elect one of
their members to serve as the temporary Chairman of the meeting.
17.6 A quorum for all
meetings of the Board of Directors should consist of not less than 50% of the
Board members. Unless decided otherwise, the Board of Directors must meet at
least once every two months, to the possible extent.
17.7 The Honorary
Secretary shall keep all records, except financial, of the Chamber, and shall
cause proper minutes of the General Meetings and Board of Directors meetings to
be reviewed and signed by the President and shall dispatch a signed copy of the
minutes to each Board of Directors member.
17.8 The Honorary
Treasurer shall supervise all financial matters concerned with the Chamber.
17.9 Any member of
the Board of Directors may at any time resign by giving notice to the President
in writing.
In case of vacancies
in the Board of Directors occurred before the expiration of the normal tenure
of office, for whatever reasons, the Board of Directors has the power to appoint
an Ordinary Member who obtains the highest votes in the latest General Meeting
to fill the vacancy. The newly appointed member of the Board of Directors shall
remain in office only for such unexpired duration.
17.10 The Board of
Directors is entitled to appoint committees consisting of at least one member
of the Board of Directors to deal with special matters. The Board of Directors
shall establish the powers, duties, and procedures of such committee.
Article 18
The term of office of a member of the Board of Directors shall cease in the following
18.1 At the normal
expiration of his/her tenure of office or in the event of his/her resignation
in accordance with the provision of Article 17.9
18.2 Whenever the
Minister of Commerce orders termination under the provisions of Article 40 of
the Chamber of Commerce Act of B.E. 2509 (1966).
Article 19
An Executive Director
may be appointed by the Board of Directors to execute the general affairs of the
Chamber in accordance with the objectives, policies, and BY-LAWS of the
Chamber, under the supervision of the Board of Directors. The Executive
Director may attend a Board Meeting but shall not be entitled to vote.
Article 20
The By-Laws may be amended by an Ordinary or Extraordinary General Meeting if
the following conditions are fulfilled.
20.1 The proposed
amendment has been included in the agenda sent to each member of the Chamber
20.2 The decision is taken
by a two-thirds majority of the members present or represented.
Article 21
One or more persons not being a member(s) of the Board of Directors who
is/are duly licensed may be elected as Auditors at an Annual General Meeting to
audit the annual balance sheet including the accounts of the Chamber. The
remuneration of the auditors shall be fixed by any General Meeting of Members.
Article 22
The Chamber can be dissolved:
In accordance with Article 43 of the Chamber of Commerce Act of B.E. 2509 (A.D.1966).
By a motion passed by a two-thirds majority of the members present or
represented at a General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting called for
that purpose.
Article 23
After the dissolution of the Chamber, if any property or assets remain after liquidation,
they must be transferred to a non-profit organization deemed worthy by the
Board of Directors.
Article 24
Upon the issuance of a license for formation of the Chamber by the Chamber Registrar
of Bangkok Metropolis, the promoters shall act as an interim Board until the first
Board has been elected. The general meeting of members of the purpose of
electing the first Board shall be held within 120 days of issuance of the
Chamber license.
Article 25
For the purpose of Article 1
, the promoters shall be
deemed to be Ordinary members.
These By-Laws shall take effect on the date the Chamber Registrar for Bangkok Metropolis
issues the Chamber a license for formation.
The Chamber has its registered office located a t Room 1229, 4,4/5 Level 12, Central Tower, Rajdamri Road , Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Thailand.
Seal of the Chamber is shown as follows:
2.1 To promote and develop economic relations between Belgium-Luxembourg and Thailand.
2.2 To promote cooperation and business relationships between Belgian-Luxembourg and Thai business people.
2.3 To cooperate with and influence country’s authorities to develop trade, industry, investment and economic activities.
2.4 To provide advice, ideas and suggestions for Belgian-Luxembourg business interests in Thailand in the fields of trade, including industry, investment and in other related matters.
2.5 To perform activities and provide services to efficiently carry out the duties of the Chamber.
2.6 To compile news, information and statistics on trade in general, on industrial affairs, and on legal and financial matters worthy of interests, for distribution to members.
2.7 To assist and promote charity and the public welfare.
Article 3
The majority of members shall be natural persons having Belgian, Luxembourg or Thai nationality, or Belgian, Luxembourg or Thai nationality who are partners or shareholders holding a substantial part of the capital, including branches of juristic persons registered aboard. These natural persons or juristic persons shall be engaged in enterprises in the fields of trade, industry, agriculture, finance, economic or other activities related to Belgium, Luxembourg or Thailand. The Chamber shall be open to All Nationalities, people and companies showing Friendship or Business Connections with Belgium or Luxembourg or Belgian and Luxembourg Nationals running or working for non-Belgian companies in Thailand. Companies based in Belgium should be able to join.
Associate members shall have all the rights of the ordinary members, except the right to vote or serve as a director on the Board of Directors.
Honorary members shall have the rights of ordinary members, except the right to vote or serve as a director on the Board of Directors.
8.1 In the case of natural person:
8.2 In the case of juristic persons:
10.1 Application forms shall be submitted in writing to the Chamber office, stating the following information:
10.2 Upon receipt of an application, it shall be submitted to the Board of Directors or the Executive Director who will pass to the Board of Directors. An application may be approved only by a motion of the Board of Directors passed by a simple majority of votes of the Board.
10.3 When the Board of Directors has accepted an application for membership, the applicant shall be notified promptly.
11.1 Within the scope of the objectives of the Chamber, and of the Chamber of Commerce Act of B.E. 2509 (A.D.1966), members shall have the right to receive assistance and benefits in connection with trade and economic affairs.
11.2 Members must comply with the By-Laws laid down by the Chamber.
12.1 Membership subscription shall be proposed by the Board of Directors and approved at the General Meeting.
12.2 Ordinary members and Associate members shall pay membership subscription within 30 days of Invoice Date.
15.1 Death, in the case of a member who is a natural person.
15.2 Resignation.
15.3 Upon being declared bankrupt by a court of law.
15.4 Bankruptcy, liquidation, or termination of business.
15.5 Expulsion from membership under Article No. 14.
15.6 Upon being declared by a court of law to be legally incompetent or quasi-incompetent in the case of a natural person.
15.7 Arrears of subscription for a period of longer than three months after receipt of written reminder(s) from the Chamber.
16.1 An Annual General Meeting shall be held not later than the 30th of April each year, to consider the annual report of the affairs and activities of the Chamber; to consider and approve the balance sheet; to elect a Board of Directors; to appoint an Auditor, and to conduct any other matter.
16.2 All members shall be notified of the Annual General Meeting by post, e-mail, or messenger delivery, not less than 14 days prior to the date of the meeting. The notice shall include the date, time, venue, and agenda of the meeting.
16.3 An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at any time by the Board of Directors or by the written request of 20% of the Ordinary members of the Chamber. Notice of the meeting shall be sent to all the members at least 14 days prior to the date of the meeting. This notice also states the purpose, date, time, and venue of the meeting.
16.4 At any General Meeting, 25% of the ordinary membership must be present to constitute the quorum. Only written proxies held by members attending meetings in the place of other members shall be counted in determining the quorum. Each Ordinary member can represent up to two proxies. If after a period of 30 minutes there is not a quorum present, then the meeting shall be postponed for 7 days thereafter and shall be held at the same time and place. Further notification to the Member shall be required. A quorum shall be deemed to exist at the subsequent meeting irrespective of the number of members present.
16.5 Motions at a General Meeting shall be carried by a simple majority vote of the ordinary members present or represented unless otherwise prescribed in these By-Laws.
Each Board Member shall agree to accept to actively promote the Chamber, introduce new Members and Chair and develop a Working Group.
17.3 The appointed representatives of the Belgian Embassy, the Walloon Region of Belgium (AWEX), the Flanders region of Belgium (FIT), the Brussels Region (Brussels Export) shall serve as advisors to the Board.
17.4 The President must be a person of Belgian, Luxembourg, or Thai nationality. In case the President is a person of Thai nationality, the Vice President(s) must be a person of Belgian-Luxembourg. In case the President is a person of Belgian-Luxembourg nationality, the Vice President must be a person of Thai nationality.
17.5 The President shall serve as the Chairman of all meetings of the Chamber. The President shall be empowered to sign together with another member of the Board of Directors on all documents in connection with the business of the Chamber. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall act on his/her behalf and shall have the same powers as the President.
In absence of both the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman, the Board of Directors will elect one of their members to serve as the temporary Chairman of the meeting.
17.6 A quorum for all meetings of the Board of Directors should consist of not less than 50% of the Board members. Unless decided otherwise, the Board of Directors must meet at least once every two months, to the possible extent.
17.7 The Honorary Secretary shall keep all records, except financial, of the Chamber, and shall cause proper minutes of the General Meetings and Board of Directors meetings to be reviewed and signed by the President and shall dispatch a signed copy of the minutes to each Board of Directors member.
17.8 The Honorary Treasurer shall supervise all financial matters concerned with the Chamber.
17.9 Any member of the Board of Directors may at any time resign by giving notice to the President in writing.
In case of vacancies in the Board of Directors occurred before the expiration of the normal tenure of office, for whatever reasons, the Board of Directors has the power to appoint an Ordinary Member who obtains the highest votes in the latest General Meeting to fill the vacancy. The newly appointed member of the Board of Directors shall remain in office only for such unexpired duration.
17.10 The Board of Directors is entitled to appoint committees consisting of at least one member of the Board of Directors to deal with special matters. The Board of Directors shall establish the powers, duties, and procedures of such committee.
18.1 At the normal expiration of his/her tenure of office or in the event of his/her resignation in accordance with the provision of Article 17.9
18.2 Whenever the Minister of Commerce orders termination under the provisions of Article 40 of the Chamber of Commerce Act of B.E. 2509 (1966).
Article 19
An Executive Director may be appointed by the Board of Directors to execute the general affairs of the Chamber in accordance with the objectives, policies, and BY-LAWS of the Chamber, under the supervision of the Board of Directors. The Executive Director may attend a Board Meeting but shall not be entitled to vote.
20.1 The proposed amendment has been included in the agenda sent to each member of the Chamber and,
20.2 The decision is taken by a two-thirds majority of the members present or represented.
22.1 In accordance with Article 43 of the Chamber of Commerce Act of B.E. 2509 (A.D.1966).
22.2 By a motion passed by a two-thirds majority of the members present or represented at a General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting called for that purpose.
BeLuThai wants to reach out to companies in areas beyond Bangkok.
For this purpose we have set up antennas, BeLuThai spokespersons, in areas beyond Bangkok with a significant Belgian business presence, bringing our activities closer to your door.
Isan Antenna:
Laos Antenna: Dr. Sutharm Valaisathien
Eastern Seaboard Antenna: Mr. Arnaud Derbaudrenghien
Phuket Antenna: Mr. Johan D'hondt